Home / Retailers


Welcome to the retailer’s section of Baron Boutique. A custom tailor boutique for suits and dresses. Retailers can customize suits and dresses according to their customer’s needs. This is an opportunity for your customers to express themselves in their own unique personalities. Customers can choose from a variety of elegant styles and exciting color combinations. Thus, these are excellent value products available in bespoke, made-to-measure, and pre-defined sizes. We offer you an ever-expanding collection of superfine wool, wool-cashmere blend, and silk-blend clothes that makes a beautiful showing. Attention to detail is evident. With the wide range of colors, you’ll find what you need to make your customers look the very best everywhere.


retailers showroom


Let us tailor your retail business

Baron Boutique custom tailors your product line following your customer base.

Direct boutique sales.

Personalized customer service.

High-quality fabrics from wool-cashmere blends to pure and silk.


Made to measure.

Predefined sizes.

High-quality products.

No product stocking – low cost – no risk.

Order from a single item to the boutique level production.

Low prices – excellent value.

Our concept is to custom tailor your preferred product style and quality to fit your customers. We offer you a wide range of Baron Boutique products to choose from or to use us as a base for your own designs. All our products are hand-cut and personalized by our experienced team of tailors. Production and production control are all done at our own factory. This guarantee a regular high-quality standard.

We give the retailer full flexibility to offer bespoke, made-to-measure, predefined sizes, or a combination of all.

Local stores in any location worldwide with a customer base from middle to high end are potential retail partners. We custom-tailor your product line according to your price, design, and quality to fit your customers.

Retailers are not only our valued customers, they are also our “partners”.

Projects: If you have a special project/concept, talk to us. We will provide you with the best possible solutions.

Brand name: Our brand Baron Boutique is labeled on all products as standard. A retail partner can choose the option to create a new or promote his or her own existing brand name.


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Baron Boutique's service promise since 1999.